In a groundbreaking move, Sheikh Mansour Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Vice President, Deputy Prime Minister, Chairman of the Presidential Court, and Chairman of the Board of the Central Bank of the UAE, executed the inaugural cross-border transaction using the UAE Central Bank’s digital currency, the ‘Digital Dirham,’ totaling Dh500 million. This historic transaction was directly sent to China via the ‘M Bridge’ platform, coinciding with the celebration of the ‘Golden Jubilee’ of the Central Bank’s establishment and the graduation of 1,056 Emiratis from the first batch of the ‘Ethraa Emiratisation’ program at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre.
During the event, Sheikh Mansour emphasized the leadership’s commitment to strengthening the UAE’s position as a global financial hub. He underscored the crucial role of Central Banks in promoting financial and monetary stability, enhancing efficiency in the financial system, and driving economic growth to support developmental initiatives in the country.
Shaikh Mansour’s vision includes nurturing Emirati talent for financial excellence and national progress. He highlighted the leadership’s dedication to empowering Emirati citizens, enhancing their expertise across various fields, and supplying the financial sector with well-qualified national talents in line with international standards.
Sheikh Mansour extended congratulations to the Central Bank and the Emirates Institute of Finance staff, along with the accomplished graduates of the inaugural Ethraa program, wishing them success in serving their country and contributing to its ongoing progress.
During the occasion, Sheikh Mansour was briefed on the displays in the ‘Innovative Projects’ Pavilion organized by the Central Bank’s subsidiaries. He witnessed a milestone with the launch of Al Etihad Payments and the successful inaugural transaction conducted using the payment card, featuring unique specifications.
Sheikh Mansour also received information about the services offered by the Aani instant payment platform, launched by Al Etihad Payments in October 2023, along with the supervisory technology project ‘Subtech.’
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